Luxury holidays in Canberra

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When to go

Canberra experiences extremes in temperature, ranging from 40°C in summer to zero in winter. Winter days generally start with frosty mornings followed by clear blue skies and plenty of sunshine. If you are a fan of flora, spring sees the city alive with blooms and so is a vibrant time to visit.

Getting there

  • Planes

    You can fly direct to Canberra Airport ( from any of Australia's state capitals | except Darwin | as well as from Newcastle | Townsville and the Gold Coast. Qantas ( | Virgin Blue ( and Tiger Airways ( all cover the route. A taxi to the city centre costs about AU$20. The Airliner bus ( runs between the airport and the city bus interchange half-hourly during the week and hourly on the weekend.
  • Trains

    Arrive in Canberra at Kingston station, about six kilometres from the city centre. Direct services on CountryLink (132 232; arrive from Sydney daily, although from Melbourne there’s a train/bus connection.
  • Automobiles

    Canberra is about 300 kilometres south west of Sydney, and an easy three-and-a-half-hour drive. Major car hire companies can be found in both cities.
  • Taxis

    Canberra Cabs (132 227; and Cabxpress (+61 (0) 2 6260 6011; are a good bet. Cars can be hailed in the street, booked or picked up at numerous ranks.