Luxury holidays in Grenada

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When to go

The average year-round temperature is around 25˚C, so it’s lovely all year, with tropical breezes to keep you cool. The rainy season lasts from June to December, but showers are brief and don’t fall every day.

Getting there

  • Planes

    There are weekly direct flights from London to Point Salines International Airport (11kms away from St George's) with British Airways ( | Golden Caribbean ( | XL Airways ( and Virgin Atlantic ( LIAT ( is your best bet if you’re island-hopping; it offers daily flights to Grenada from 22 Caribbean destinations. There's a local departure tax of $20.
  • Boats

    Osprey Lines ferries (+1 473 440 8126; takes 90 minutes to reach the neighbouring island of Carriacou; there are also services to Petite Martinique.
  • Automobiles

    There are many small rental companies on Grenada. The easiest thing is to have the hotel organise a hire car whenever you want to go exploring; that way it’ll be delivered to and picked up from the hotel. If you get lost | stop and ask a local – it’s no generalisation to say that everyone here's extremely friendly.
  • Taxis

    Ask the hotel to arrange an airport pick-up. The ride to the hotel will give you a feel for how bumpy the roads can be. Brightly coloured water taxis can shuttle you between St George's and Grand Anse Beach for about EC$10 a couple.